The current rate is reduced 0.25 cents per litre for the period of 15/03/2022 to 31/01/2023
Who is Entitled To Claim An Excise Duty Refund?
Almost all Commercial machinery and vehicles using petrol off road, qualify for a refund of 83.40 cents (including GST).
What is The Process For Making a Claim?
The process is very simple – we come direct to you.
We do all the paperwork, check off all the asset list and where possible, get receipts on your behalf from the fuel suppliers.
Couldn’t be easier.
How far Back Can We Claim?
We can do a 24 month claim back, separated into eight separate quarters. We can then continue to claim for you quarterly.
My Accountant is Doing It For Me.
Sometimes an accountant will do an excise duty return, but very rarely. Accountants do the IRD and GST taxes and allocate and
arrange the general costs of the farm operation to the farmer; but the complexity of the NZTA forms for claiming Excise Duty mean that many accountants would be charging more to claim than the farmer is gaining from the Excise Rebate received.
My Accountant has all My Receipts until “The Books” Are Done.
NO problem; we can arrange to access those receipts and liaise with your accountant by signing our “Authority to Act” form. Simple and fast, and very easy for you.
Do I need to hold on to all my receipts or can you get this information for me?
YES. We can obtain receipts direct currently we work with Wealleans, Allied Petroleum, Waitaki Fuel, RD Petroleum, Waitomo, Mckeown, McFalls Fuel and also Farmlands. We are also currently working with other major fuel companies to be able to access your fuel information. Please phone us direct to check, as we are working with some companies that we can obtain a login for all you information on charge cards.
We don’t Have a Farm Delivery, so all Our Receipts for the Farm are from a Service Station.
NO problem; as long as we have access to those receipts, we can arrange for an Excise Rebate based on those.
We get our Petrol in Containers and Drums – Can we still Claim?
YES; nearly all petrol used on the farm can be claimed upon (67 cents ). No matter where or how it is purchased. It must have receipts showing purchase and amounts.
We Only Use a Small Amount.
No matter; it is your money that is being held. As little as ten litres a week will be worth around $550 when claimed and an ongoing $70 per quarter. It soon adds up.
Why do you want a Bank Deposit Slip and a 101a GST Form?
The deposit slip ensures that your rebate goes into the correct bank account. The 101a GST Form reassures the Crown Office that you are GST Registered, as part of the rebate is the return of a proportion of the GST and ACC paid at the pump.
What do you (Fuel Rebates Ltd) get out of this?
Fuel Rebates Ltd charge 19.5% from each claim submitted and approved to NZTA.